#1 International Best Seller

Purposeful Power Breakthrough

7 Strategies for Creating Your Purposeful, Passionate, and Positive Life

Do you feel like you are merely existing and not living?

Do you feel overworked, burnt out, stuck, unmotivated, unfulfilled, or depressed due to work?

Learn how to achieve emotional and mindset breakthroughs so that you can create the life that you really want and live a meaningful, joyful, successful, and fulfilling life. 

We are living in turbulent times, in a world full of uncertainties. Under these uncertain environments in which we live today, it has become absolutely crucial that we are able to manage our mental and emotional well-being so that we remain resilient and thrive! On top of that, it has become even more important that we are able to understand our authentic selves so that we discover our true potential amidst the chatter and chaos of daily responsibilities, which can often cloud our minds.

A seasoned banker turned author and life coach, Angeline Teh, shares the hard-earned wisdom from her life experiences and lessons learned from her breakthrough journey in discovering the hundred-year-old, long-lost history of her great-great-grandfather. With more than 20 years of experience in the banking and corporate sector, Angeline Teh whose expertise lies in client relationship management and business transformation, left the corporate world to transform herself into an author, life coach, and speaker so that she can make a greater contribution to society.

If you feel like you have reached stagnancy in life and don’t know what to do, the answers you have been searching for all this while can be found in this book. 
Learn how to navigate challenges, outmaneuver uncertainties, and create the life that you want and crave! 
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Purposeful Power Breakthrough Back Cover

Purposeful Power Breakthrough: 7 Strategies for Creating Your Purposeful, Passionate, and Positive Life 

is an in-depth, eye and mind-opening guide to self-reflection, self-revelation, and self-mastery. Loaded with personal anecdotes, intensive research insights, and hard-hitting advice, Angeline Teh takes you on a step-by-step approach to creating a meaningful and flourishing life. The author breaks down her coaching method into three key, easy-to-digest concepts that can be put into practice easily and instantly gives readers more clarity. 

By completing the exercises in the complimentary workbook, you will be able to re-discover yourself and realize that you have the power from within to achieve your unlimited potential so that you don’t short-change yourself!  

  • You will gain extensive and powerful life transformation insights from her experiences, wisdom from her great-great-grandfather’s history, her research on psychology, spirituality and non-spirituality concepts, ideas, tools, and life-changing strategies she used in carving her own success in authoring and publishing to becoming a life coach and a speaker.
  • You will be able to gain a deep understanding of the emotions involved, the beliefs, the mindset, and the perception changes required for a successful life transformation.
  • You will learn how to build resilience by transforming life struggles into strengths regardless of the circumstances so that you have solid mental health and well-being.
  • You will learn how to overcome fears and assumptions by reframing or reprogramming your mind to develop courage and confidence.
  • You will learn how to tap into your inner wisdom to guide you in creating the life that you want.

These strategies are vital for a successful and fulfilling life.

This book is a thought-provoking, life-changing wake-up call!

Start owning your power and create the life that you want today!

What Authors, Coaches and Clients Are Saying

  • Angeline does an excellent job of engaging her reader from the start. I particularly enjoyed following her journey to find out about the lasting legacy of her great-great grandfather. The book is full of insight, encouragement, and information sure to clearly speak to the heart and mind of all who read. Angeline offers practical tools and examples to help one find and live their purpose. The concept of "not yet" rather than failing or not achieving something on the first or multiple attempts resonated with me. I will certainly re-read as I know there are other "nuggets" of advice and teaching on my first pass. Thank you Angeline!

    Jay Falcone

    Author and Coach

  • Has stress, anxiety or trauma made you feel the pressure of money issues that caused you to have sadness, low self-esteem, and trust issues, then read Angeline's book PURPOSEFUL POWER BREAKTHROUGH and follow her seven strategies for achieving emotional and mindset breakthrough. Do not let bad thoughts steal your happiness and peace. You can find financial wealth, work-life balance, and personal growth to become a fulfilled individual in both your professional and personal life. This is a must read book for anyone looking for their true purpose in life with a peace and understanding of their place in the world.

    Mary K. Wagner

    Author and Coach

  • This is a must read for anyone that truly wants an Instant Power Breakthrough because that's exactly what the author gives us. Angeline Teh shows you how to acknowledge your power from within to achieve your goals and dreams through self-reflection, and self-mastery. Activation of your inner strength and inner wisdom through your own belief system to overcome life's most difficult challenges. And also how to achieve successful breakthroughs in creating the life you want and live a life filled with passion, joy, and fulfillment. A must read!

    John Lee From MO

    Author and Coach

  • Purposeful Power Breakthrough: 7 Strategies for Creating Your Purposeful, Passionate, and Positive Life is an inspiring and empowering guide to achieving a life of meaning and joy. Angeline Teh's approach is comprehensive, offering personal anecdotes, research insights, and practical advice to help readers take control of their lives. Her three key concepts are easy to understand and put into practice, and they provide readers with the clarity they need to make positive changes. This book is an excellent resource for anyone looking to create a life of purpose and fulfillment.

    David A

    Corporate Trainer

  • Love your book totally! Great coach, strong powerful mind!!!

    Vivien Tsai

    Fashion Designer

  • Nothing is impossible! That's the message the author is trying to instill on readers. A must-read for those who want to make a change in their lives. The steps on how to achieve this, understand yourself better, define your purpose and a workbook to help you with these are given. It is so detailed that even the feelings which you will encounter during meditation is stated. The book and workbook have helped me to understand myself better to pursue my dreams. I've learned how to counter negative emotions that may crop up in my daily life with the steps stated in the book. No dream is impossible if we put our mind to it and don't let the past negative experiences stop us from our dreams. Thank you Angeline for sharing your invaluable wisdom with us.

    Cheah Siew Ming

    Asst. Manager

Tan Ai Kim
Tan Ai Kim
Finance Manager
The book is very relatable, an easy read, and can be put to practice easily
I find the book very relatable as I have always been in employment and found myself in similar situations mentioned in the book occasionally. It is definitely inspiring from what you have gone through to search within yourself on your purpose in life and proceeded to achieve what you have set out to do, which all of us need a little push, a little soul searching and acknowledgement of where we are and what we aspire to achieve. It is wonderful that you are sharing your insights to your great-great grandfather's life story and your own experiences to help others now. Applying wisdom from the past to life's current troubles are so relevant! The book is an easy read and could be put to practice easily, thanks again for sharing!
Melissa Lim
Legal Profession
Self-reflection and self-revelation
Intended for light reading and easy absorption...very good; appealing to non-readers too. In substance, I understood it as a journey you shared in developing your coaching model to help people who are going through some kind of emotional decision turmoil. I'd say this is an alternative to the ostracized methods of psychology and psychiatry. Chapter 1 delves into the method and I can see how coaching is necessary, as it requires time and commitment to think through for self-revelation. The book was en eye and mind opener. Thank you for sharing and well done, Angeline.
Josephine face
Josephine Loke
Senior Freight Forwarder
You have successfully invoked my senses to seek my self-esteem needs and self-actualization needs
First and foremost, Congratulations Angeline for successfully authored yet another masterpiece. Thank you for the coaching sessions and the priceless gift of an e-book generously given out for the betterment of our society as a whole. From her coaching sessions and e-book, her 'Instant Power Breakthrough Method' mentioned has made me want to Acknowledge my strengths and weaknesses in absolute truthfulness; to Activate them ie. meaning to find my purpose in life and eventually Achieve...ing them by living it with real passion that ultimately leads me to attain the happiness that I craved. Yes, her coaching sessions and her motivational books hit me in the head and tells me that I absolutely got to do something about my life this instant. Bravo Angeline! You have successfully invoked my senses to seek my self-esteem needs and self-actualization needs. I am truly grateful. Thank you.

Wisdom of the Past

"Lessons from the forgotten leader who financed Dr Sun Yat Sen...my great-great grandfather"

"An extraordinary book, a rousing read."
Tommy Ng, Business Development Director
"An inspiring book on an unassuming leader."
Daniel Low, Director

In this part memoir, part inspirational book, you will discover...

  • The hidden legacies and biography of Teh Lay Seng compiled from multiple sources that allow you to take a sneak peek into his life till the time of his death.
  • Time-tested leadership values and wisdom that are essential in shaping growth as an individual or as an organisation based on real life events.
  • Strategies that can help you find your purpose and how to lead a fulfilling and peaceful life.

My maiden self-publication which made its official debut on 16 May 2019. The First Edition was SOLD OUT within 3 months! Order now to get hold of a copy today! 

Wisdom of the Past Front Cover
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"It's such an admirable thing to see someone make all the effort to excavate the legacy of one's family. It is no easy feat and certainly not for the faint of heart. It takes thousands of hours of research, going out of one's comfort zone and pushing boundaries. Trees can only grow as tall as and as deep as their roots grow, so we too must dig deep into the legacies of our family's past so that we may go far into the future. This is personally so inspiring for me." - Datin Winnie Loo, CEO and Creative Director of A Cut Above and Partner of Brand Yourself

"Very inspirational book indeed! Not many of us are as lucky as Angeline to be able to reconnect with our roots, especially the chance to look back at what our ancestors, many generations before us, might have done and the hardships they went through to give us what we have today. This is definitely a Great Great Grandfather story that will inspire us in many ways." - Dr Lim Tingsong, Medical Director at Clique Clinic, Aesthetic Physician, Academician, Board Member of ISDS

"I was inspired every moment the narrative by Angeline on her encounter to trace her roots and family history. Good karma! I truly enjoyed reading Angeline's book. Angeline's book is profoundly inspiring. It captures the spirit of Teh Lay Seng..an honest man sacrificing for his mother land, statesman and moral leader...and spurs us to look within ourselves, reconsider the things we take for granted and contemplate the legacy we'll leave behind. Thank you for sharing." - Sundra Lingam, Ipoh Heritage Walk, Ex-School Teacher

"There is a saying - History is the illumination of the soul and that is what this book is all about. Angie has enlightened us not only her great-great grandfather's past and humbled achievements, but has shown us the positive impact of leadership if executed with the right values, vision and vigor. We can all learn and embrace these learnings and apply them in our daily lives today. Well done, Angie!" - Himli Ali, Certified Marshall Goldsmith International Coach

“I'm amazed by how much efforts Angeline has put in to get all the info tracking back as far as from China about her great great grandfather to write this book! Enjoyed reading it because there is a good mixture of not only about the history but about her findings about it and as well the values that she highlighted for the readers to learn. Surely as I was reading before the chapter on leadership values, I can see that her great great grandfather is a super humble man that wants to help his own people and being courageous in fighting for the rights of the people and want to make things good and harmonious for everyone to live. Thanks for writing the book to bless many.” - Joelle Kwok, Talent Intelligence

"I really enjoyed the narrative on Angeline's personal journey and her connection with her family and Teh Lay Seng. An inspiring book on an unassuming Asian leader - his values and legacy have been brought back to fore to guide the current generation.” - Daniel Low, Director of a Financial Institution

“Angeline Teh's passionate search for her roots and its connection to the legendary Dr Sun Yat Sen sets the stage for this extraordinary book. A rousing read.” - Tommy Ng, Business Development Director, Aspire Lifestyles

“Angeline's journey to the discovery of her great great grandfather is so inspiring that it moved me to persuade my family members to continue our research on our family history.” - Benjamin Foo, Author, Speaker, Entrepreneur & Coach

“I have finished reading your book. I just want to share with you that when I was reading your book, the experience was like travelling back in time. The journey is mixed with many struggles, achievement and failure. With regards to Mr Teh Lay Seng, his stories are filled with success and also a lot of sacrifices. It is a marvel for what he has done for what he believes in. I really enjoy reading your book.” - Afiq Kamal, IT Specialist

“It inspires me to want to do the same. But I mean, you've got a very very GREAT great great grandfather.” - Dr Julian Chua, Jeunesse

“I'm fully inspired. I didn't know how much depth it was (until I came to hear you talk). I know you wrote a book. I thought I come by just to support Angeline as a friend and to see what's happening. I'm truly touched.” - Stan Singh, Councillor, PIKOM (The National ICT Association of Malaysia)

“I applaud Angeline. She single handedly went on her journey from start to finish. She did her research. She was so brave to go to Xiamen by herself. Thank God, He paved the way for her that led her to this.” - Christina Wong, Petron Dealer

“Really glad you took the time and effort to seek to write on your great-great grandfather and preserve this glory in the family. Brilliant writing Angie. Didn't know that I could learn so much from the past, especially from your great-great grandfather and his journey to victory. I have so much to learn from you. Great job! ” -  Ellyna Merican, Koon Lifestyle

“Well-written and well-researched. A very interesting story from beginning till end. Great values to learn.” - Cheah Siew Ming, Zurich Insurance

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